// Encapsulate variables within the p5 prototype
* @property {boolean} _permissionGranted
* @private
p5.prototype._permissionGranted = false;
* @property {Object|null} _accelerationWithGravity
* @private
p5.prototype._accelerationWithGravity = null;
* @property {Object|null} _acceleration
* @private
p5.prototype._acceleration = null;
* @property {Object|null} _rotation
* @private
p5.prototype._rotation = null;
* @property {Object|null} _orientation
* @private
p5.prototype._orientation = null;
* @property {Object|null} _absoluteOrientation
* @private
p5.prototype._absoluteOrientation = null;
// Add p5 prototype variables for gravity, orientation, and absolute orientation
* @property {number} gravityX
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.gravityX = 0;
* @property {number} gravityY
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.gravityY = 0;
* @property {number} gravityZ
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.gravityZ = 0;
* @property {number} orientationX
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.orientationX = 0;
* @property {number} orientationY
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.orientationY = 0;
* @property {number} orientationZ
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.orientationZ = 0;
* @property {number} absoluteOrientationX
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.absoluteOrientationX = 0;
* @property {number} absoluteOrientationY
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.absoluteOrientationY = 0;
* @property {number} absoluteOrientationZ
* @readOnly
p5.prototype.absoluteOrientationZ = 0;
Motion Sensors
* Sets up motion sensors by checking for necessary permissions.
* @method setupMotionSensor
p5.prototype.setupMotionSensor = function() {
* Checks if the device needs permission for motion sensors and requests it if necessary.
* @method checkSensorPermission
* @private
p5.prototype.checkSensorPermission = function() {
const needsPermissions = (typeof DeviceOrientationEvent !== "undefined" && typeof DeviceOrientationEvent?.requestPermission === "function") ||
(typeof DeviceMotionEvent !== "undefined" && typeof DeviceMotionEvent?.requestPermission === "function");
if (needsPermissions) {
DeviceOrientationEvent?.requestPermission?.() || Promise.resolve(),
DeviceMotionEvent?.requestPermission?.() || Promise.resolve()
]).catch(() => {
let button = createButton("Allow Sensors")
.style("font-size", "24px")
throw new Error("Sensor permission required");
}).then(() => {
this._permissionGranted = true;
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", this.updateMotion.bind(this), true);
window.addEventListener("deviceorientationabsolute", this.updateMotion.bind(this), true);
window.addEventListener("devicemotion", this.updateMotion.bind(this), true);
} else {
this._permissionGranted = true;
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", this.updateMotion.bind(this), true);
window.addEventListener("deviceorientationabsolute", this.updateMotion.bind(this), true);
window.addEventListener("devicemotion", this.updateMotion.bind(this), true);
/* p5 default motion variables
let accelerationX;
let accelerationY;
let accelerationZ;
let rotationX;
let rotationY;
let rotationZ;
let debugMotion = "";
* Updates motion data from device sensors.
* @method updateMotion
* @param {Event} event - The motion event containing sensor data.
* @private
p5.prototype.updateMotion = function(event) {
const accWithGravity = event.accelerationIncludingGravity;
const acc = event.acceleration;
const rot = event.rotationRate;
const orient = event.orientation;
const absOrient = event.absolute;
debugMotion = JSON.stringify(event);
// Handle acceleration including gravity
if (accWithGravity) {
this._accelerationWithGravity = {
x: accWithGravity.x,
y: accWithGravity.y,
z: accWithGravity.z
this.gravityX = accWithGravity.x;
this.gravityY = accWithGravity.y;
this.gravityZ = accWithGravity.z;
} else {
this._accelerationWithGravity = null;
// Handle pure acceleration
if (acc) {
this._acceleration = {
x: acc.x,
y: acc.y,
z: acc.z
} else {
this._acceleration = null;
// Handle rotation rate
if (rot) {
this._rotation = {
alpha: rot.alpha, // rotation around z-axis
beta: rot.beta, // rotation around x-axis
gamma: rot.gamma, // rotation around y-axis
z: rot.alpha,
x: rot.beta,
y: rot.gamma
} else {
this._rotation = null;
// Handle device orientation
if (orient) {
this._orientation = {
alpha: orient.alpha,
beta: orient.beta,
gamma: orient.gamma,
z: orient.alpha,
x: orient.beta,
y: orient.gamma
this.orientationX = orient.alpha;
this.orientationY = orient.beta;
this.orientationZ = orient.gamma;
if (event.webkitCompassHeading !== undefined) {
heading = event.webkitCompassHeading;
} else if (orient.alpha !== null) {
// Note: event.alpha may not be referenced to true north on all devices.
heading = orient.alpha;
} else {
this._orientation = null;
// Handle absolute orientation
if (absOrient) {
this._absoluteOrientation = {
alpha: absOrient.alpha,
beta: absOrient.beta,
gamma: absOrient.gamma,
z: absOrient.alpha,
x: absOrient.beta,
y: absOrient.gamma
this.absoluteOrientationX = absOrient.alpha;
this.absoluteOrientationY = absOrient.beta;
this.absoluteOrientationZ = absOrient.gamma;
} else {
this._absoluteOrientation = null;
debugMotion = JSON.stringify({
accelerationWithGravity: this._accelerationWithGravity,
acceleration: this._acceleration,
rotation: this._rotation,
orientation: this._orientation,
absoluteOrientation: this._absoluteOrientation
* Retrieves the current acceleration data including gravity.
* @method getAccelerationWithGravity
* @return {Object|null} An object containing acceleration data or null if unavailable.
p5.prototype.getAccelerationWithGravity = function() {
if (this._permissionGranted && this._accelerationWithGravity) {
return { ...this._accelerationWithGravity };
} else {
console.log("Accelerometer data not available.");
return null;
Geolocation API
* Requests the current geolocation of the device.
* @method requestGeolocation
p5.prototype.requestGeolocation = function() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.getGeolocation.bind(this), this.showGeolocationError.bind(this), {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
} else {
alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
* Callback function to handle successful geolocation retrieval.
* @method getGeolocation
* @param {Position} position - The position object containing latitude and longitude.
p5.prototype.getGeolocation = function(position) {
this.lat = position.coords.latitude;
this.lon = position.coords.longitude;
* Callback function to handle geolocation errors.
* @method showGeolocationError
* @param {PositionError} error - The error object containing error code and message.
p5.prototype.showGeolocationError = function(error) {
let errorMsg = "";
switch (error.code) {
errorMsg = "User denied the request for Geolocation.";
errorMsg = "Location information is unavailable.";
case error.TIMEOUT:
errorMsg = "The request to get user location timed out.";
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
errorMsg = "An unknown error occurred.";
Camera & Light Sensor
* @property {p5.Element|null} _video
* @private
p5.prototype._video = null;
* @property {boolean} _isFrontCamera
* @private
p5.prototype._isFrontCamera = true;
* @property {number} _brightnessLevel
* @private
p5.prototype._brightnessLevel = 0;
* Captures the color at the center of the video feed.
* @method captureColor
* @return {Array} An array containing RGB values.
p5.prototype.captureColor = function() {
let index = ((this._video.height / 2) * this._video.width + this._video.width / 2) * 4;
let r = this._video.pixels[index];
let g = this._video.pixels[index + 1];
let b = this._video.pixels[index + 2];
let pickedColor = [r, g, b];
return pickedColor;
* Captures the light level from the video feed.
* @method captureLightLevel
* @return {number} The brightness level.
p5.prototype.captureLightLevel = function() {
return this.captureBrightness();
* Captures the brightness level from the video feed.
* @method captureBrightness
* @return {number} The brightness level.
p5.prototype.captureBrightness = function() {
let index = ((this._video.height / 2) * this._video.width + this._video.width / 2) * 4;
let r = this._video.pixels[index];
let g = this._video.pixels[index + 1];
let b = this._video.pixels[index + 2];
this._brightnessLevel = int((r + g + b) / 3); // Compute grayscale brightness
return this._brightnessLevel;
* Updates the brightness level from the video feed.
* @method updateBrightness
* @return {number} The updated brightness level.
p5.prototype.updateBrightness = function() {
let index = ((this._video.height / 2) * this._video.width + this._video.width / 2) * 4;
let r = this._video.pixels[index];
let g = this._video.pixels[index + 1];
let b = this._video.pixels[index + 2];
this._brightnessLevel = (r + g + b) / 3; // Compute grayscale brightness
return this._brightnessLevel;
* Sets up the camera with the specified orientation.
* @method setupCamera
* @param {string} [selectCamera="front"] - The camera orientation, either "front" or "back".
p5.prototype.setupCamera = function(selectCamera = "front") {
if (this.video) {
this.isFrontCamera = selectCamera === "front";
let constraints = this.isFrontCamera
? { video: { facingMode: "user" }, audio: false }
: { video: { facingMode: "environment" }, audio: false };
this.video = createCapture(constraints);
this.video.size(160, 120);
* Sets up the light sensor using the camera.
* @method setupLightSensor
* @param {string} [selectCamera="front"] - The camera orientation, either "front" or "back".
p5.prototype.setupLightSensor = function(selectCamera = "front") {
* Sets up the color sensor using the camera.
* @method setupColorSensor
* @param {string} [selectCamera="front"] - The camera orientation, either "front" or "back".
p5.prototype.setupColorSensor = function(selectCamera = "front") {
* Initializes the camera with the specified orientation.
* @method initializeCamera
* @param {string} [selectCamera="front"] - The camera orientation, either "front" or "back".
p5.prototype.initializeCamera = function(selectCamera = "front") {
* Toggles the camera between front and back.
* @method toggleCamera
p5.prototype.toggleCamera = function() {
this.isFrontCamera = !this.isFrontCamera;
Sound Sensor
* @property {p5.AudioIn|null} _mic
* @private
p5.prototype._mic = null;
* Sets up the sound sensor.
* @method setupSoundSensor
p5.prototype.setupSoundSensor = function() {
this._mic = new p5.AudioIn();
* Captures the current sound level.
* @method captureSoundLevel
* @return {number} The current sound level.
p5.prototype.captureSoundLevel = function() {
return this._mic.getLevel();